Pastoral Care

Head of Students

St Philip's pays particular attention to the care, guidance and encouragement given to each individual student.
All teachers, by nature of their job, are involved in pastoral care. Deputy Principal, Ms Tammy Hawkins (pictured left) is Head of Wellbeing and is supported by our Heads of House, shown below.

If parents have any pastoral care concerns, your first point of contact should be with your child's Tutor Group teacher.

A list of all our staff can be viewed in our Who To See For What publication which is located on Schoolbox or can be viewed here.


The College is organised into six Houses, (Flynn, Griffiths, McKay, Partridge, Rolland and Topsy Smith) each under the direction of a Head of House, who is responsible for the pastoral care of students belonging to that House.

There are approximately 80-90 students in each House. Within each House students are formed into smaller groups of 20-22 students drawn from all year levels. These are called Tutor Groups and a teacher is assigned to each one. These House Tutors liaise closely with the Head of House and are the first point of contact for students and parents requiring help or information. Tutor Groups provide the focus for identity, encouragement and counselling.

The House System also provides a structured opportunity for individual and small group relationships between staff and students.


The College offers a religious education program which relates to the student's age and which reflects societal trends while strongly maintaining the school's Christian principles. The College Chaplain, Mrs Sarah Pollitt plays an important role in the pastoral care of the College community. The Chaplain provides spiritual leadership for the College, is available for counselling, organises worship services and the Religious Education program.


The College has two professional counsellors, who are available to all students and parents. They take a pro-active approach to student health and personal development, helping to design the College's programs in these areas.