Round Square

St Philip's College is a member of Round Square, a prestigious association of international schools which share a commitment beyond academic excellence to personal development and responsibility through service, challenge, adventure and international understanding.

This educational philosophy was developed by Kurt Hahn who founded Salem School, Gordonstoun School, Outward Bound and the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. Understanding that many of life’s important lessons come from practical experience, Round Square encourages learning through its six pillars - IDEALS. These stand for International Understanding, Democracy, Environment, Adventure, Leadership, and Service.

Membership of the Round Square provides opportunities for St Philip's students to travel as exchange students to other schools in Australia and overseas and to participate in international projects initiated by any of the member schools. Each year staff and students attend the junior and senior Australian schools conference and the international conference.

Click here for information about other Round Square schools.

In 2001 the International Conference was hosted by St Philip's College, in 2006 we hosted the Australasian Regional Conference and in April 2011 we hosted the Junior Australasian Round Square Conference.

For more information about Round Square at St Philip's College please email Ms Alexandra Pollitt.

“There is more in us than we know. If we could be made to see it, perhaps for the rest of our lives we would be unwilling to settle for less.”
- Kurt Hahn

Service Projects

Under the Round Square pillars of community service and international understanding St Philip's College staff and students participate in International Service Projects.

Often giving up their own holidays, members of the College community travel to Asia, Africa and South America to assist in many deserving community projects. They can range from digging wells for a better water supply in Asia, building a classroom in a school in Africa, building a storage facility in a village in Honduras or building a community hall in a village on Tanner Island, Vanuatu.

Students and staff are encouraged to apply, and fundraising activities are often organised to assist people with the travel costs. 


Round Square prepares young people for life through service, challenge, adventure and international understanding.

Students attending Round Square schools make a strong commitment - beyond academic excellence to personal development and responsibility. In short, students are empowered to be the leaders and guardians through community service, work projects, exchange programmes and adventure.

Each year exchange programmes are initiated around the world by Round Square member schools to help institutionally and culturally different - but like minded schools - to work together to improve the quality of life for people. The result is the understanding that each one of us can make a positive difference as global citizens and the exchange programmes are wonderful opportunities for our students to grow and develop individually.

At St Philip's, our students can participate in a two week national exchange in Year 8, and then in Year 10 they can apply to go on an international exchange (approx. for one term). There is a stringent application process for the international exchange program which is facilitated by our Round Square Coordinator, Ms Alex Pollitt, other teachers, and students from the Senior Round Square Committee.


Each year St Philip's sends teams of representatives to regional and international conferences held at a member school.

During the international conference, the prior year's collaborative activities are reported on and evaluated, and new projects are planned. Discussions, related to the theme of the conference, examine topics of importance to the member schools and the world.

Programmes initiated by Round Square help institutionally and culturally different, but like-minded students meet and share their points of view. Friendships are made through activities, expeditions and events organized by the host school. Visitors are introduced, not only to the host school, but also the country, the culture and the environment.